By Christine Onwuachumba
Gone are the days when some professions are said to be peculiar to men. Now, women can be found in different spheres of life. Okoye Muna Stella Ebele is one of such women, who tread where men dread.
She is the Rotating/Static Equipment Condition Monitoring Engineer at Diamond Technical Oil Services Port Harcourt, a company seconded to Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC).
She studied Chemistry at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, and Petroleum Engineering at the University of Port Harcourt. She also went to British Institute of Non-destructive testing where she had a training in Lubricant Management and American Institute of Non-destructive testing – Condition Monitoring Engineering where she studied Machinery Health Management Ultrasonic and Vibration Analysis.
In this interview with Daily Sun, she shares her experiences in her chosen career.
How did you get into your career?
I got into my career during my National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) primary assignment in Port Harcourt, as a production operation trainee.
Of all professions, why did you choose this?
I chose my profession due to my passion for rotating equipment and how to keep them running without breakdown.
What were your initial and present challenges?
Initially it was not easy to manage the change in process from time-based maintenance to condition-based maintenance across the maintenance teams. The current challenge is how to get the teams to implement recommendation from condition-monitoring reports, which are 65 per cent compliance, as at today.
What are your experiences?
The experiences are the interesting components of my profession, the good, the bad and the ugly, from community, down to field and colleagues. They are amazing. I thank God for the privilege to work closely with very sound engineers/technicians from diverse disciplines, culture, race and origin and collaborate with senior leadership to develop and implement long-term strategic goals for the past 10 years.
What inspires you on the job?
The encouragement I got from the senior engineers/technicians in the field, as a youth corp member moved me beyond the conception that production operation and engineering generally is men’s job. They aroused my inner giant. I have developed personally, professionally and the job gives me the satisfaction I need.
Where do you aspire to get to as far as this career is concerned?
My aspiration is to be a reference point in Maintenance Engineering (Condition Monitoring) in Africa and the world at large
What extra things do you do to get to where you are now?
I continue to improve through reading, certifications and networking and above all, right living, according to my Christian faith in Christ Jesus.
Did you ever fail at any time?
Of course, my dad used to tell me to keep moving; that it is a stepping-stone to success.
Where you ever afraid of succeeding in the profession?
No, never been afraid.
What have you achieved?
I have successfully looked after major production facilities in the South-East Rotating Equipment and process Valves Health for the past 10 years with joy. I have been carrying out Condition Monitoring activities in oil and gas facilities with 40 personnel without any accident or fatality. I have also succeeded in eliminating catastrophic breakdown, which will cause significant damage to the machine, production deferment and thereby reduced the maintenance cost and repair, improved production and workers safety.
Again, I have successfully increased equipment/asset availability by significantly reducing the chance of a breakdown during operation and maintained system operational capacity through reduced down time of critical machines.
I have enabled operations to anticipate/accurately plan for maintenance needs, spare parts inventories have been minimised and overtime work largely eliminated. Generally, I have contributed exceedingly to well data quality improvement and asset integrity in Nigeria oil and gas industry.
How do you cope with competition with men on the job?
In oil and gas industry, competition will destroy your career but a team player and positive attitude will survive and that is who I am.
How were you able to balance your career with your home front?
The bible is very clear on this, going by the book of Ecclesiastes 3: 1 – For everything there is a fixed time, and a time for every business under the sun.
Has your career ever come between you and your marriage?
No, I thank God for giving me a wonderful and understanding husband.
What do you think could be the reason career women don’t keep their marriages?
They do not have the fear of God; any woman who has not the fear of the Lord cannot keep her marriage whether she is a career woman or housewife. The bible in the book of Proverbs 31:10 – 31 is talking about career women and their virtues.
What can be done to improve your sector?
The Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB) will encourage local content and empower host communities to participate in the oil and gas business thereby reducing oil theft and sabotages. They should also acquire the latest technology and develop more green field.
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