Saturday, October 12, 2013

Most Nigerian Guys Don't Understand Romance –Chealse Eze

Chelsea Eze, upcoming actress, in this brief chat with Punch's Ademola Olonilua, talks about love:

Would you mind sharing some hilarious pick-up lines you have heard from guys?

One time this guy walks up to me after church actually and says, ‘Hi, my name is Mr. X. I’m building a house just for the two of us. I want you to be my wife. In fact, I see you as my wife already.’ And then he shows me the picture of ‘the house’ he’s building. There was a time, another guy saw me at the mall and said, ‘If you let me, I won’t make you wait for years’. I was confused at first; apparently the line was based on a movie he had seen me in. In that movie, I was engaged to a guy for a long time... I tell you, I have heard so many ridiculous pick-up lines.

Are you in any relationship right now?

Yes I am seeing someone.

Do you find Nigerian guys romantic?

I don’t think the average Nigerian guy understands romance but I know a few who are.

What’s the most romantic thing a guy has done for you?

The most romantic thing was a guy flying from a very far place to come support me on a day that I needed him so much.

hmmm interesting

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